Blast Off

Welcome to my blog. My name is Nikki Brooke and I love writing science fiction for young adults.

In this blog I’ll be writing about writing, funnily enough.

There will be posts about books, movies, topics I’m researching for my novels, snippets of my stories, and many other things.

I’m currently seeking publication and representation for my first completed novel, One World, Our World.

I am also writing the sequel to One World, Our World.

The One World series is expected to be three or four books long, plus the prequel novella, The Massacre of Asylaeus, that I’ve already written.

Simultaneously, I’m writing a dystopian novel about a world post covid-19, where everyone is obsessed with staying safe from diseases.

We have all been impacted greatly by the corona virus, so I couldn’t ignore this story any longer.

It’s been rolling around my mind and every news report makes me think of it so I had to get it out now.

Check out the ‘Books’ page to read more about what I’m working on now.